
1 2024

Freedom of Speech in the Context of Anti-Israel Protests

1:00PM - 2:00PM  

  • Freedom of Speech in the Context of Anti-Israel Protests
    Thursday, August 1 at 2 PM EST

    Join us for a special briefing Thursday, August 1 at 2:00 PM EST that will explore the parameters of First Amendment protections and limits to campus protest activities. As campus protests, student encampments and a range of hateful harassment and bullying of Jewish students swept across college and K-12 campuses this past year, many people asked when such activities cross the line into impermissible antisemitic action and what can be done to protect Jewish students. Our speakers include legal experts and Jewish professionals who will help us learn how to fight back against those who cross the line into behavior that jeopardizes the safety and wellbeing of our community. 

    Panelists include: Alyza Lewin (President of the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law), Mark Rotenberg (Vice President for University Initiatives and General Counsel, Hillel International) and Baruch Weiss (Partner, Arnold & Porter). Eric Fingerhut will be moderating the conversation.